Poila Boisakh 1429

Dear Bhaktas,

Please be informed that Bangalore Kalibari is celebrating “Poila Baisakh” on 15/4/22 , Friday on the occasion of Bengali New Year 1429. The day will start at 7:30 a.m, you all can offer Maa er Puja with your Name and Gotra which will be followed by Bhog distribution at lunch. Let your first day of new year start with Maa er Darshan, Puja, blessings along with Maa er Bhog.

Bangalore Kalibari Trust.

Mobile Num 7406406548,
Location : https://g.co/kgs/rHTz3c

Everyone’s Kalibari


The Trust is happy to share that following substantial improvement of temple facility we are getting requests from local residents to perform their family rituals and pujas in Kalibari courtyard. Recently the trust allowed a local family to perform their “Navagrah Puja” in Kalibari courtyard. Couple of short videos of the event is shared below for your reference.

Devotees Performing Navagrah Puja at Kalibari
Everyone’s Kalibari

Let us take pride in saying that this place belong to each of us and whatever progress we are witnessing is our joint effort. Let’s join our hand for many more such occasions. Let’s support each other and make our Kalibari a real divine place.

Bangalore Kalibari Trust

Basanti Puja & Annapurna Puja 2022

Dear Devotees,
Kindly be informed that Bangalore Kalibari is organising “Basanti Puja” and “Annapurna Puja” on the following days kindly note down the schedule below :

1.) “Basanti Puja” on 8th April, 2022 Friday at 9:00 a.m. onward.

2.).”Annpurna Puja” on 9th April Saturday at 8:30 a.m. onwards and to be continued till Sunday i.e 10 th April 2022.

3.) “Maa Annapurna’s Bhog Prasad” for Devotees will be distributed on 10th April 2022 in the afternoon.12.30 P.M onward.

Please make sure to be at Bangalore kalibari on time to witness this Maha Pooja.

Bangalore Kalibari Trust
Mobile Number 7406406548,7406402050

Amavashya Puja 31 March

Dear Devotees,

Amavasya puja will be celebrated on 31.03.2022, Thursday at Bangalore Kalibari from 6:00 pm onwards, later Bhog will be distributed between7.30 pm- 8.45 pm. Government norms of maintaining social distance and wearing mask with proper use of sanitizer.

Bangalore Kalibari Trust
Mobile Number 7406406548, 7406402050
Location https://g.co/kgs/rHTz3c


  1. On this auspicious day of Amavasya Puja the opportunity to avail the responsibility for
    1. Puja er Ayojon : By Ravi Kumar
    2. Bhog er Ayojon : By Ravi Kumar
  2. To make a stronger bonding with devotees, Bangalore Kalibari is going one step ahead ; it has been decided to invite TWO devotees, at a time, who are willing to prepare Maa er Bhog as part of Maa er seva (with few guidelines). Kindly enroll your name if you are willing.
  3. Requests would be taken on first come, first serve basis.

Bangalore Kalibari Trust

General Meeting At Kalibari

Dear Friends
On behalf of Bangalore Kalibari, I invite you all to participate in a very important meeting at 05.30 pm on Sunday the 21st March 2010 to discuss following points for better functioning of the Bangalore Kalibari.  It would be appreciated if you could bring alongwith you your family and friends for the ensuing meeting.
a)  Ways and means to get registered under IT Clause 80 G
b)  Taking up constructional activities in Bangalore Kalibari
c)  Strategy for making a Drive for raising funds for Construction of Multipurpose Hall, Guest Rooms, Rest Room for Ladies etc.
d)  Formation of a Core Group for the Activities of Bangalore Kalibari
e)  Any other constructive suggestion
Please confirm your participation by sms on 9449820576 to enable us to make necessary arrangements
Looking forward to see good number of turn-out at the meeting, the first of its kind.
Secretary (9449820576)
Bangalore Kalibari